Please be advised of an existing weather advisory. Translations can be found
Please note that Summer Rising Programming will be closed in observance of Independence Day on July 4th, 2024.
- Please note that Summer Rising Programming will be closed in observance of Independence Day on July 4th, 2024.
- Families can check their Summer Rising transportation information on or reach out to their school to check the ridership information.
- Summer Rising offer information is now available on MySchools for those that applied between March 4 and 25. If you received a Summer Rising offer and are no longer interested, please decline the offer in MySchools so the seat can go to someone else on the waitlist.
- To complete your Summer Rising 2024 enrollment, please ensure you have filled out the following DYCD supplemental enrollment form (at the bottom of the linked page), and submit it to your Summer Rising CBO provider prior to your first day of attendance. This ensures your DYCD Summer Rising provider has all the necessary safety and support information for student to attend the program this summer.
- Please see Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) below for more information on the offer and waitlist process.
- If you missed the deadline to apply you can still express interests through waitlists. Programs use waitlists to fill any open seats after offers are made.
- Waitlists for Summer Rising are available now in MySchools.
- For families who submitted by the deadline, your child will be automatically waitlisted for each program listed higher on their application than the program to which they received an offer. If your child did not receive an offer then they will be automatically waitlisted at all choices listed on their application. Learn more at under the “Learn About Waitlists” section.
Program Overview
Middle school summer schedule: Monday to Friday, 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM, July 2 to August 9
Summer Rising 2024 is a partnership between New York City Public Schools and the Department of Youth and Community Development (DYCD). Summer Rising is free and available to all NYC students in grades K-8, pending seat availability.
Students in Summer Rising will have access to both academic and enrichment programming over the course of the day, including field trips, arts activities, and outdoor recreation. Programs will planned and operated collaboratively by school principals and community-based organizations (CBOs). The environment will be safe and supportive with staff prepared to respond to children’s social and emotional needs. Breakfast, lunch, and snack will be served.
A typical day for students in grades K–8 will include a mix of academic support, social emotional learning, and enrichment activities. Academics will be provided by licensed teachers in the morning. Enrichment activities (such as art, sports, and play) will be led by CBO staff in the afternoons and on Fridays. CBOs will also facilitate enrichment in the morning, alongside academics, for K-5 programs. Students with disabilities who may require additional supports to participate in programming, such as a paraprofessional, will receive those supports as needed.
Multilingual learners/English language learners (MLs/ELLs) in grades K-8 participating in Summer Rising will engage in culturally responsive and student-centered academic opportunities in the morning and participate in afternoon enrichment sessions facilitated by trusted community-based organizations. Additionally, in the morning, MLs/ELLs will receive instruction targeting language and literacy development to support them with grade-level content. English as a New Language (ENL) teachers can provide MLs/ELLs with support through various instructional models, including small-group instruction or one-to-one support for MLs/ELLs.
Please note that Summer Rising Programming will be closed in observance of Independence Day on July 4th, 2024.
Program | Schedule |
K–5 Summer Rising Academics, social-emotional learning, and enrichment activities for 6 weeks (New York City Public Schools-led academics in the morning followed by extended-day enrichment provided by DYCD CBOs), with a seventh week of DYCD CBO-led enrichment and trips | July 2–August 16 Monday to Friday, 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM |
Grades 6–8 Summer Rising Academics, social-emotional learning, and enrichment activities (New York City Public Schools-led academics in the morning followed by extended-day enrichment provided by DYCD CBOs), including field trips to parks and other venues | July 2–August 9 Monday to Friday, 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM |
Students with 12-month IEPs (District 75) Specialized instruction, related services, and social-emotional learning | July 3–August 13 Monday to Friday, 8:00 AM to 2:30 PM, or similar schedule* |
Students with 12-month IEPs (Districts 1–32 Extended School Year) Specialized instruction, related services, and social-emotional learning | July 2–August 12 Monday to Friday, 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM* |
ASD Programs K–8 students in current ASD Nest and Horizon programs who have IEPs that recommend 12-month related services receive their related services, specifically speech, by a trained provider, with support from trained educators focusing on social and pragmatic communication skills | July 2–August 8 Monday to Thursday, 8 AM to 12 PM* |
Please Note: Students who enroll in a Summer Rising seat are accessing a seat for the hours above dependent on their grade or program. Families with scheduling concerns around full-day attendance should contact their CBO once placed into a program.
*Students with 12-month IEPs will have the option to participate in DYCD-led extended day enrichment hours (until 6 PM) and programming through August 9, 2024 (6–8 students) and August 16, 2024 (K–5 students). Families interested in this extended day enrichment should apply via the application portal.
Find a Summer Rising Program
Students with Disabilities
Students who receive a health paraprofessional or nurse during the school year pursuant to an IEP or 504 Plan will receive those services throughout the Summer Rising day. Students who have a behavioral paraprofessional will receive this support during the academic portion of the day and will receive additional support as needed during enrichment activities. The student’s home school will prepare a Summer Rising Accommodation Plan that will be given to the student’s parent and the student’s Summer Rising site before Summer Rising begins.
Enrollment for Students in 12-Month IEP Programs
Students in D75, Extended School Year (ESY), or Autism programming over the summer can choose to participate only in their IEP programming (until 2:30pm for D75, 2:00pm for ESY and 12pm for Autism Programs) or IEP programming plus CBO-led extended-day enrichment until 6pm. Please review these important application details:
If a family does not want extended day enrichment for their child, and their child will only be participating in Autism programming (until 12pm) or D75/ESY programming, the family should contact their child's school instead of using the application portal.
If a family wants to participate in IEP programming and extended-day enrichment (in other words, programming until 6pm), they should use the application portal. Families in Autism, ESY, and D75 programming will have priority for seats in Summer Rising. Please note that for Middle School Students, there is no CBO led programming on Fridays.
Autism - Horizon or Nest students and ESY students: Families can choose between any of the Summer Rising CBO program(s) operating at the student’s IEP program site.
D75 students: D75 schools often operate at more than one location over the summer. In the portal, families of D75 students will see the locations where their home school is operating where there is also enrichment programming until 6pm. If a student’s morning location is one of the available options, families should rank the program(s) within that location, so the student can stay at the same site all day.
- If the student’s morning location is not one of the available options, families can choose between the program(s) and site(s) listed, and NYC Public Schools will aim to provide an alternate 2:30pm bus drop-off to that site.
For families interested in CBO-led extended-day enrichment until 6pm for elementary students, please note:
- Elementary Students who are staying until 6pm and are eligible for transportation will have access to pre-paid rideshare services, where a family member can take a pre-paid rideshare to pick up their child, and then a pre-paid rideshare home with their child. School buses will not be available at 6pm.
- ASD elementary school students who sign up for 8am-6pm programming can either take a bus home at 3pm (the latest time NYC Public Schools buses run) or participate in rideshare at 6pm.
Families can check their Summer Rising transportation information on or reach out to their school to check the ridership information.
NYC Public Schools and DYCD are committed to ensuring students have a safe way to and from Summer Rising. This summer, eligible students will receive busing daily from July 2 through August 9, arriving at their program at approximately 8 AM and leaving their program by no later than 3PM. (Students in D75 and ESY programming will receive busing for the duration of their IEP program: July 2–August 12 for ESY and July 3–August 13 for D75). Eligible students must have enrolled in summer programming by May 13 in order to receive a bus route in time for July 2.
Students eligible for busing transportation include:
- Students with IEPs that recommend busing
- Students with a 504 accommodation that mandates busing
- Students in temporary housing, in grades K to 6, and grades 7 and 8 with an IEP, residing more than 0.5 mile away from their summer site who requested and were found eligible for busing during the 10-month school year, either through an exception or through the DHS CARES transportation preference request
- Students in foster care, in grades K to 6, and grades 7 and 8 with an IEP, residing more than 0.5 mile away from their summer site who requested and were found eligible for busing during the 10-month school year through an exception
- Any other student who requested an exception for transportation and were found eligible for busing during the 10-month school year (For eligible students, families, NYC Public Schools and supporting shelter staff can request a new exception during the Summer Rising term through SupportHub if a new transportation request is needed)
- Students who received stop-to-school busing during the school year and remain grade and distance eligible based on the location of their summer site (you can find grade and distance eligibility on the transportation eligibility page)
- Students in grades K–6 who are not grade and distance eligible during the school year and whose site is not open for summer will receive busing only from their 10-month site to their Summer Rising site if the two are more than half a mile apart.
Students who were assigned MetroCards during the school year or become eligible based on the distance of their Summer Rising site can receive a MetroCard at their summer site and can use these MetroCards to go to and from Summer Rising at the program start and end times (8AM and 6PM). 6PM busing will not be available this summer; however, families of eligible students (Students in Temporary Housing, Students in Foster Care, and students who receive curb-to-school busing and who are signed up for programming until 6PM for Elementary, 6PM for Middle School) will have access to a MetroCard upon request or pre-paid rideshare, similar to last year.
Families can access their busing information in their NYCSA account or contact their school for ridership details.
Please Note: Students accepted during the wait-list phase may not receive busing on the first day. Families should reach out to their school to determine the date that busing will begin. The PIC’s delegated staff should reach out to the district transportation liaison for eligible students requiring transportation. Metro cards will be available upon request.
NYCPS will be offering rideshare to eligible families for Summer Rising dismissal as busing will only be available through 3pm.
This rideshare model is site-driven and parent-procured -- parents, guardians, or authorized adults book rides to and from the Summer Rising site through the LimoSys website or contact 212-426-8000.
All eligible students will have a voucher code for LimoSys in their NYCSA account (these codes have been created centrally). Before July 2, please reach out to your eligible families to inform them of their options and assist them in creating a NYCSA account if needed.
See NYCPS website for details and family-facing information:
Rideshare Eligibility
Students are eligible rideshare if they meet all of the following criteria:
- They were in grades K-8 in SY 23-24
- They will be at a Summer Rising or D75 Hub site for enrichment programming
- They have a program code in ATSSUM that indicates they will be participating in programming until 6pm
- They have curb-to-school busing this summer OR they are a STH or SFC student who is either routed for stop-to-school busing (grades K-6) or have an IEP (grades 7-8)
Accessing Rideshare
- To book a ride, families can book directly through the LimoSys website or contact 212.426.8000
- Families will be able to book two trips totaling four rides a day with the single voucher code (i.e. to school in the AM, from the school in the AM, PM adult pick up to school and from school in the PM)
- Families must use the Summer Rising address as both the destination of the ride to pick up their child AND as the starting point for their ride home. The ride can only be booked from the school address as the start or end point of the ride.
The PIC or designee (e.g. Transportation Coordinator) must contact these families using the contact information in the RCON report in ATSSUM to inform parents that they are eligible for the service and provide their voucher codes. They should also inform the parent/guardian where they can access the code moving forward, as well as the fact that the person picking up the child must be an authorized adult (over the age of 18) per the student’s Blue Card information and/or the DYCD supplemental enrollment form.
Support/Escalation Protocol
Families: If families need technical support related to booking the ride, they should contact:
Limosys directly at 212.426.8000 or email If families need access to the voucher code for Limosys , they should log into their NYC Schools Account (NYCSA), under the Transportation screen’s Vehicle Modifications field it will be listed as the Eligibility Code. If families do not have a NYC Schools Account (NYCSA), the CBO should escalate to the NYCPS staff member with access to Student Profile, e.g. the Transportation Coordinator, the PIC/AP Site Supervisor, or another designee, who can look up this eligibility code after confirming the adult is authorized to pick up the child.
Support/Summer Safety Guidance
If you have questions, please reach out to your student's school, a Summer Rising CBO, or the summer email inbox (
Information about summer air quality guidance can be found HERE
Accessibility Escalation
Please reach out to and for questions around accessible 2024 summer sites.